How to Teach Preschool Skills with Playdough

#Preschool | As a mom and preschool teacher, I love to find new ways to teach foundational skills to my kids. I get especially excited when I find something that can be used to teach many different skills at once. That is why I love using Play-Doh so much! You can use to teach letters, numbers, counting,… →
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How to Fix a Messed Up Sleep Schedule and Not Ruin it Anymore
#Sleep | Medically Reviewed by Nana Sebiskveradze - Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) October 29, 2020 Like many of you, I faced a problem of sleep regimen disturbance, a…

Create A Holiday Season Of Rest FREE Printable
#Holiday | You can create a season of rest this Holiday Season! Free printable and practical tips for how to create a peaceful holiday season!

Using Your Pantry To Bless Your World
#World | We all have different reasons for stocking our pantry, but one of the most compelling reasons is so that we can be instantly ready to help someone in need or make someone’s day a little brighter.  A well stocked pantry will make it possible to bless others with food, without breaking the already-overextended budget.  Today …

How to Handle Sleep Deprivation as a New Mom
#Mom | Aaah, sleeping! One of the greatest life’s pleasures, right? Also having kids is an immense joy, do you agree? But for some weird trick of nature, the two things don’t really coexist very well, at least at the beginning. Here’s when you really experience sleep deprivation. Wondering how you’re going to survive? I got you… →


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