Star Trek Deep Space Nine accidentally predicted the 2020s by writing about the 1990s #Writing
#Writing | Income inequality, homelessness, and other social ills of the 2020s — predicted by TV writers looking out their windows in 1995. to Continue Reading...... Paul Simon Tells the Story of How He Wrote ldquo Bridge Over Troubled Water rdquo 1970 #Water | It takes a certain amount of hubris to write a song like “Bridge Over Troubled Water”—to write, that is, a secular hymn, a non-religious gospel hit for burned-out sixties’ folkies. read more... Painted Faux House Plants #HousePlants | No green thumb? No problem! I may or may not struggle a bit with keeping my house plants alive. Some do swimmingly and some crash and burn. So this year I decided to rid myself of some of the stress and go faux! That’s right, I’m jumping on the fake plant bandwagon. But I couldn’t just […] read more... Indian hotel companies have shown resilience during the pandemic and now the markets are celebrating them #Hotel | Indian hotel companies have shown resilie...